“Current Topics in Race and the Law,” a new course at Drake Law School, was introduced during the January interim semester, in response to strong student interest in further exploration of racial justice issues. The class explores how race intersects with various aspects of the law. Topics included why race matters, implicit bias, access to...
Category: Law School News
Drake Law Professor Andrew Jurs Elected to the American Law Institute
Drake University Law School is pleased to announce that Andrew Jurs, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the Clemens J. Smith Faculty Research Scholar, and a Professor of Law, has been elected as a member of the prestigious American Law Institute (ALI). The Institute’s members consist of judges, professors, and lawyers, who are elected based...
Drake Law School team wins national Environmental Law & Policy Hack Competition
The Drake Law School team of Bradley Adams and Katherine Leidahl won the inaugural Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University Environmental Law & Policy Hack Competition. This national competition is designed to orient students toward the development of creative and impactful environmental policy. The competition required the submission of a written policy brief,...
Thank you to everyone who helped make the inaugural Mark S. Cady Day of Public Service a huge success
Thanks to hundreds of volunteers from Davenport to Council Bluffs and beyond the borders of Iowa, the inaugural Mark S. Cady Day of Public Service was a huge success. Despite the pandemic, lawyers and other community members provided pro bono legal services, public education programs, and other community service to honor and celebrate Chief Justice...
Drake Law School and the Iowa State Public Defender announce new Wrongful Convictions Clinic
Drake Law School and the Iowa State Public Defender are excited to announce a new collaboration creating a Wrongful Convictions Clinic. The Wrongful Convictions Clinic at Drake Law School will begin in January 2021. The Clinic will be led by the State Public Defender’s Wrongful Convictions Division. Student attorneys in the clinic will represent individuals...
Drake Law School named a top school for Criminal Law by PreLaw Magazine
Drake Law School earned a place on PreLaw Magazine’s list of top law schools for Criminal Law with an A- rating. Law schools were graded based on the breadth of their curricular offerings including concentrations, clinical programs, centers, externships, journals, student groups, certificates, and other offerings. Drake Law offers students substantial opportunities to learn about...
Drake University Constitutional Law Center announces the 2020 Judge James Grant Iowa Constitution lecture
The Drake University Constitutional Law Center is pleased to announce James A. Gardner as presenter of the 2020 Judge James Grant Iowa Constitution Lecture. His lecture titled “Is Iowa a Liberal Democracy?” will be delivered virtually on Thursday, Oct. 29 at 3 p.m. Gardner is the Bridget and Thomas Black SUNY Distinguished Professor at SUNY...
Drake Law School named to preLaw Magazine’s 2021 Employment Honor Roll
Drake Law School earned a spot on preLaw Magazine’s 2021 Employment Honor Roll for outperforming expectations when it comes to placing graduates in legal jobs. The magazine calculated a predicted employment percentage based on traditional school profile numbers including students’ average LSAT scores and undergraduate GPAs and compared that number to its actual employment percentage. Drake...
Drake named a top law school in the nation for family and child law
Drake University Law School earned an A+ ranking for family and child law in preLaw magazine, placing Drake among the top four law schools in the nation for this field. This is the third year in a row that Drake Law received recognition for excellence in family law. The publication based the rankings on law schools’ offerings...
Drake Law School selects Allan Vestal for a prestigious Dwight D. Opperman Distinguished Professorship
Drake University Law School is proud to announce the selection of former dean Allan Vestal as a Dwight D. Opperman Distinguished Professor of Law. The Opperman Distinguished Professorship recognizes faculty who have demonstrated the highest level of teaching, scholarship, and service to the law school, the university, and the profession. Vestal joined Drake Law School in 2009 as dean and professor of law....