A retired senior vice president with Coastal Corp. has rejoined the Drake University Board of Trustees as a trustee emeritus.
Category: eBlue Newsletter
Class of ’74 remembers Karbeling with leadership fund
During Pharmacy Day, the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences also recognized the late Jerry Karbeling, PH'74, who died in 2005. Karbeling owned and operated Big Creek Pharmacy located in Polk City, Iowa.
Exhibit documents pain of childhood abuse through adolescent art
Through the most wrenching pain shines the light of hope. That is the theme of "Trauma Reflected in Art," an art show of works and essays created by students at the Iowa Juvenile Home in Toledo, Iowa.
Drake to honor three outstanding educators
Three outstanding educators will be honored Thursday, Feb. 16, by the Drake University School of Education at the school's Annual Alumni Awards Dinner in Parents Hall at Olmsted Center.
Ethics expert extols virtues of principled lawyers
The term "ethical lawyer" is not - repeat not - an oxymoron, insists Michael Josephson, a former lawyer, law professor and founder of CHARACTER COUNTS!, a system of teaching ethics employed at schools and workplaces across the country.
Alumni activities abound in 2006
Bulldog Bashes are confirmed or in the works in cities nationwide for this May/June. Check out the full list on the alumni page of upcoming events, https://wwww.drake.edu/alumni/events.html, or call the Drake Alumni Office at (515) 271-2500 with questions.
Chen receives Tiffany Foundation Biennial Award for his prints
Drake University art professor Phillip Chen is one of 30 visual artists nationwide selected to receive a Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation 2005 Biennial Competition Award of $20,000 based on their talent, promise and individual artistic strength.
Students open doors to interpretation, charity
Thirteen students in Angela Battle's upper-level painting courses have touched up some doors in an interesting way. Habitat for Humanity supplied the students with 10 interior doors and the students as individuals and in groups used the doors as canvases to express the themes of home, family or environment.
Generous donations bolster Drake Stadium revitalization
A trio of contributions to Drake University totaling $2 million will cap off the $15-million revitalization of Drake Stadium.
Justice Thomas visits Drake as distinguished jurist in residence
United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas spent the week of February 6-10 as distinguished jurist in residence at Drake Law School. He taught a Supreme Court Seminar, met with students and faculty informally and participated in a question-and-answer session