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Pioneer gift kick-starts intellectual property effort

A $750,000 leadership gift from Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. is earmarked for a dynamic, new program in intellectual property law, Walker said. "We want the Drake Law School to be a national and international leader in intellectual property law," Drake Law School Dean David Walker said.


Kern family gift adds endowed chair

Through the generosity of Wane and Donna Kern, Drake Law School received a gift of $1.5 million to endow the Kern Family Chair. The focus of the chair is pursuant to the new strategic plan and on-going efforts to enhance Drake Law School.


Drake Black Law students net regional accolade

The Drake Black Law Student Association chapter was named Chapter of the Year at the Midwest Regional Convention in Madison, Wis., in February. The chapter competed against 45 chapters among 12 states for the award, including heavyweight schools such as Notre Dame University