Zach Johnson, BN’98, who won the 144th Open Championship today following a four-hole playoff.
Category: Alumni
A Year of Goodbyes And Thanks
There is not one way to say goodbye to a university president and first lady who have served for 16 years – but a concert, a road tour, and honorary initiation into the class of 2015 is a start.
Learning to Teach in Kuwait
Kendra Glider, ED’10, taught for four years in Kuwait. Her rich experiences with the warm, caring people of the Middle East have driven her back, as she begins teaching in Oman this fall.
Big Ideas for Small Downtowns
Drake students and faculty take an interdisciplinary approach to revitalization in the small towns of Perry and Manning, Iowa.
Food for Thought
Associate Professor of Pharmacology Craige Wrenn, the Ronald Troyer Research Fellow, wonders if we can eat our way out of Alzheimer’s.
Students can go places with new Spanish minor
When Cara Pratt, AS’12, launched her first of three years (so far) in Paraguay with the Peace Corps, she brought with her an incredibly powerful tool—proficiency in Spanish.
Drake Law students help feed Iowa
Drake Law students are translating their work in the classroom into two projects with a significant impact on the state. One group helped create a new ordinance to allow food trucks to park downtown, and another wrote a series of documents to increase awareness and understanding of a new tax incentive that will help feed Iowans in need.
Building Leaders from the Inside Out©
Drake University has introduced an executive education program designed for mid- and top-level rising talent, called Building Leaders from the Inside Out©. They are seeking applicants now for the Leading Others experience.
Mike Cigelman retires after 29 years
Associate Athletic Director, Facilities/Director of Recreational Services Mike Cigelman is retiring from Drake University after 29 years of service. His contributions to Drake read like a highlight reel.
Memory Prints
For Phillip Chen, inspiration is everywhere: an antique spike from a circus tent, the stories of his great-grandfather working in a California gold mining town, or even the rock piles his children arrange in their backyard. From this collection of materials, ideas, stories, and histories, Chen, professor of art and design and printmaker, creates works...