Drake University has signed agreements with Buena Vista University (BVU) allowing qualified undergraduates the option to complete advanced health care degrees in an accelerated format. This agreement allows junior students the opportunity to obtain advanced Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) or Master’s in Athletic Training (MAT) degrees in a shorter amount of time than obtaining each degree individually. Drake’s Law School has also entered into an agreement for an accelerated program with their jurisprudence...
Category: College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
P3 Ryan Cecala Triumphs in 2018 Next Top Entrepreneur Competition
Ryan Cecala, third year pharmacy and MBA student, was crowned this year’s winner of DELTA Rx Institute’s annual Next Top Entrepreneur Competition (NTEC). During the NTEC, students compete in a series of three rounds to show and grow their entrepreneurial skills as they try to solve current healthcare problems. The competition enables student participants to...
Gutierrez Selected as Rural Health Fellow
Dr. Cassity Gutierrez, Chair and Director of Pre-Professional Programs, has been selected for the National Rural Health Association’s Rural Health Fellows Program for the year 2019. Dr. Gutierrez will attend the NRHA’s Rural Health Policy Institute meeting on February 4-7, 2019 as well as NRHA’s Annual Conference on May 7-10, 2019. A graduation ceremony will be...
Unique Educational Partnership Results in Shared Revenues
The Iowa Clinic (TIC) recently visited Drake University and presented a $75,000 shared savings check to the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The payment is the result of a new partnership that has led to improved patient care and increased savings to patients and the health care system. This unique collaboration between the two...
Glasow Wins 2018 Next-Generation Future Pharmacist Award
Matt Glasow, a fourth-year student pharmacist at the Drake University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS), was announced as the winner of the 2018 Future Pharmacist Award during the Next-Generation Pharmacists Award Gala held on October 5 in Boston. Sponsored by Parata and Pharmacy Times, the national Next Generation Pharmacist™ awards program honors pharmacists,...
Dean Chesnut’s Statement on Women Pharmacist Day
The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Drake University proudly supports National Women Pharmacist Day, held on October 12. Pharmacy is becoming one of the top career choices for women, and the statistics prove it. From 1983 to 2012, the presence of women in the field has doubled, rising to 54% from 27%. This...
Blum Selected as Inaugural Granberg Award Recipient
Lauren Blum, a fourth-year student at the Drake University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS), was selected by a panel of Drake pharmacy alumni as the inaugural recipient of the C. Boyd Granberg Student Excellence Scholarship Award. In honor of the award’s namesake, this honor recognizes a P4 student who has demonstrated leadership in...
Drake’s Graduate Pharmacists Exceed National First-Time NAPLEX Pass Rate
Drake’s graduate pharmacists have a consistent record of outperforming the national average first-time pass rate for the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination®, or NAPLEX. The 2017 first-time pass rate was no exception, with 97.2% of graduate pharmacists passing the NAPLEX during their first attempt compared to the national average of 87.6%. Drake’s College of Pharmacy...
Drake University signs articulation agreement with Iowa community colleges
Drake University has signed an agreement, effective immediately, that will ease the transfer process for students moving from Iowa’s community colleges to Drake. Under the articulation agreement, Iowa community college students who have completed at least 60 semester hours of courses and maintained a cumulative GPA of 2.0 can transfer to Drake University with all...
CPHS Students Secure Iowa Space Grant Awards
Three Drake CPHS Students are recipients of NASA Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) awards for the 2018-19 academic year. Katie Vollmer (P2) and McKenzie Temperly (HSCI Junior), have been selected as undergraduate research fellowship awardees. Caroline Jones (P1) was awarded a NASA Merit Undergraduate Scholarship. “I feel incredibly fortunate and excited for this opportunity!” Katie...