During the annual Pharmacy and Health Sciences Day, held February 21, the College of Pharmacy and Health Science presented various awards to faculty members who demonstrate outstanding teaching, mentorship, scholarship, and professional involvement within their fields. Nominations for the awards are sought from students and colleagues alike from within the college.

Mike Daly, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, was named the Hartig Distinguished Professor. This award is given to a faculty member who has distinguished him or herself in teaching, scholarship, service, or practice. He was chosen for this award because of his teaching style in which students can learn through application of knowledge and skills.

Wendy Mobley-Bukstein, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, was honored with the C. Boyd Granberg Professional Leadership Award. She was nominated for this award due to her leadership philosophy with many themes including willingness to serve, leading by example, challenging others for the greater good of the cause, stepping outside one’s comfort zone, and sharing passion for the pharmacy profession.

Yolanda Griffiths, Professor of Occupational Therapy, Program Director, and Department Chair, was honored with the Rick Morrow Transformational Leadership Award. She was nominated and ultimately chosen for this award due to her success in assembling the OT curriculum and leading her department through a successful initial accreditation with ACOTE.

Ron Torry, Professor of Pharmacology, CPHS Teacher of the Year
Lynn Kassel, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Preceptor of the Year

Jill Batten, Director, Student Affairs, Mentor of the Year
Heidi Sleister, Professor of Biology, Non-CPHS Teacher of the Year (unavailable for photo)