Valentin Vandendoren, a 2021 doctor of pharmacy graduate from the University of Wyoming (UWYO) School of Pharmacy, has been selected as the third drug development fellow in the Vanadro – Drake University Drug Development Fellowship. The Vanadro – Drake University Drug Development Fellowship expands career options for pharmacy graduates by providing a year-long, post-graduate experience in clinical pharmacology. The one-year fellowship, unique in the Midwest, provides pharmacy graduates...
Category: College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Wedemeyer-Oleson Named AACP Master Preceptor
Dr. DeeAnn Wedemeyer-Oleson, PH’99, was named one of four master preceptors nationwide by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) in the 2021 Master Preceptor Recognition Program. In its seventh year of existence, the AACP Master Preceptor Recognition Program honors individuals who are not full-time employees of a school/college of pharmacy for their dedication and commitment to excellence in experiential education and professional practice. Wedemeyer-Oleson...
Tharp Receives National Good Government Student Pharmacist-of-the-Year Award
Isabelle Tharp, rising fourth-year student pharmacist in the Drake University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS), was announced as the recipient of the 2021 American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Good Government Student Pharmacist-of-the-Year Award. The award was presented during the APhA Political Leadership Reception held during the virtual APhA Annual Meeting in March 2021. Established in 2004, this award recognizes a student pharmacist with...
Students Honored in Annual Recognition & Pinning Ceremonies
Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS) held two separate annual Recognition and Pinning Ceremonies on Thursday, May 6, 2021, to accommodate for COVID-19 safety guidelines on campus. The ceremonies marked the transition to final year internships, fieldwork, and rotations for third-year undergraduate health sciences students, first-year master of athletic training students, second-year occupational therapy doctoral students, and third-year doctor...
Drake’s ASHP Residency Match Rate #1 in Midwest, #3 in Nation
The Drake University PharmD Class of 2021 graduates continue a tradition of success in the ASHP Residency Match. Out of 53 participants in 2021, 43 PharmD graduates matched with a residency. Drake’s overall 81.13 percent match rate far exceeds the national average of 64.95 percent, placing the University 1st among all Midwest private programs and 3rd among all pharmacy programs in the Midwest. Nationally, we are placed 3rd among private programs and 12th among all 142...
CPHS Faculty Honored at Health Professions Day
During the annual Health Professions Day (formerly Pharmacy and Health Sciences Day), held on February 25, 2021, the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences presented various awards to faculty members who demonstrate outstanding teaching, mentorship, scholarship, and professional involvement within their fields. Nominations for the awards are sought from students and colleagues alike from within...
Jones and Tharp selected as Granberg Award Recipients
Caroline Jones and Isabelle Tharp, third-year student pharmacists in the Drake University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS), were selected by a panel of pharmacy alumni as the 2021-2022 recipients of the C. Boyd Granberg Student Excellence Scholarship Award. In honor of the award’s namesake, this honor recognizes rising fourth-year student pharmacists who have...
Haack honored with 2021 Global Citizenship Award
Sally Haack, professor of clinical sciences in the Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS), was honored with the 2021 Principal Financial Group Global Citizenship Award during the virtual Global Citizen Forum on March 4, 2021. In its seventh year of existence, the Global Citizenship Award honors a Drake University faculty or staff member for their outstanding contributions to...
Isabelle Tharp Receives Competitive APhA Foundation Scholarship
Third-year pharmacy student Isabelle Tharp is one of 19 pharmacy students nationwide to receive a 2021-2022 American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Foundation Scholarship. The recipients were selected based on their academic accomplishments and for their leadership skills as demonstrated by their active involvement in the APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP). Tharp received the Gloria Francke Scholarship. “Being awarded this scholarship shows me...
Pharmacy and Health Sciences alumni recognized at Health Professions Day
The College’s annual Alumni Achievement Awards were presented at Health Professions Day (formerly Pharmacy and Health Sciences Day) on February 25, 2021. This year’s outstanding alumni included Young Alumni Achievement Award Recipients James Grunert, and Sarah (Dean) Shetler, and Alumni Award Recipients, Tommy Bramley, and Siva Kasinithan. “Our 2021 Alumni Achievement Awardees are a distinguished group of individuals with many achievements,” said Renae Chesnut, dean of the college. “Their...