Roustem Saitkoulov will present the next concert of Drake University’s Keys to Excellence Piano Series at 7:30 p.m. Monday, January 29, in Sheslow Auditorium.
Jordan Concert Series features cellist Anthony Ross
Drake University is proud to present Anthony Ross, principal cellist of the Minnesota Orchestra, for a pair of free performances on December 6 and 7.
Drake Opera laid foundation for young alumnus’ success
Drake alumnus Eric Ferring, AS'14, is one of many Drake grads who found success in the opera world. "Drake will always have a special place in my heart," he said.
Keys to Excellence continues with Arthur Greene in Russian Mystic program
Arthur Greene, professor of piano at University of Michigan, will present the next concert of Drake’s Keys to Excellence Piano Series on Nov. 6 in Sheslow Auditorium.
Drake Theatre to showcase four student productions
The Drake University Department of Theatre Arts will showcase a collection of four student-produced short plays. Performances are Oct. 27-29.
Mies | Weese exhibit explores Iowa connections to renowned modernist architects
An exhibition at Drake University’s Anderson Gallery reveals the Iowa connections to three pioneering minds in modernist architecture. Nov. 9 - Dec. 22
Descended from royalty, Drake senior shares his culture through art exhibition
Drake senior Morayo Adeyoju, a native of the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria, shares his cultural history as part of an art exhibition on display through Oct. 22 in The Anderson Gallery. Adeyoju's grandfather was a king of the Yoruba tribe.
Mysteries of Drake
Rumors have surrounded the campus burial of President Morehouse, the house that the Fine Arts Center was built around, and the tunnels underneath campus for generations of Bulldogs.
Drake Theatre presents Edward Albee’s “The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia?”
A family’s already dysfunctional lives begin to crumble when a dark family secret is revealed in Drake University Theatre’s production of Edward Albee's "The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?" The production runs Oct. 5-8.
World-famous operatic baritone Sherill Milnes and soprano Maria Zouves to visit Drake Sept. 28-29
World-famous operatic baritone Sherrill Milnes and his wife, soprano Maria Zouves, will hold a series of public lectures and masterclasses during their first visit to the University in 13 years.