Nicholas Roth, professor of piano at Drake University, will present the next concert in Drake’s Keys to Excellence Piano Series on Nov. 28.
Drake Theatre presents “Heathers: The Musical” from Nov. 17-20
"Heathers: The Musical" runs Nov. 17-20 at Drake University. Admission is $8 for adults and $6 for students and senior citizens.
Music instructor to tour with Mannheim Steamroller
Anna Lackaff, adjunct professor of music at Drake University, will tour the country this holiday season as a keyboardist for Mannheim Steamroller.
Keys to Excellence series features Jeffrey Brown
Jeffrey Brown, associate professor of piano at Western Illinois University, will deliver a free performance in Drake's Keys to Excellence Piano Series on Monday, Nov. 14.
Keys to Excellence Piano Series launches fourth season on Oct. 24
Drake University’s Keys to Excellence Piano Series will open its fourth season with a performance by Lori Sims, professor of piano at Western Michigan University.
The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education ranks Drake 135 in nation
The inaugural Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education ranking of U.S. colleges placed Drake University at 135 in a list that includes more than 1,000 schools nationwide.
Drake University Department of Theatre Arts presents “Doubt: a parable”
Drake University Department of Theatre Arts is opening their 2016-2017 season on Oct. 6 with the controversial, religious drama, Doubt: a parable by John Patrick Shanley.
Drake Chamber Choir, four high school choirs to perform Faure’s “Requiem”
The Drake University Chamber Choir, choirs from four Des Moines area high schools, and a professional orchestra will perform Gabriel Faure’s well-known Requiem at 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9.
Noted pianist to stage comeback concert with help of Drake University students
A noted pianist and composer will make his proud return to the concert stage for the first time in more than 15 years thanks in part to the efforts of Drake students.
Mark your calendars: Drake’s large music ensembles announce fall performance schedule
Drake University’s large music ensembles have scheduled an eclectic series of free performances that are guaranteed to please fans of all ages and tastes.