A renowned pianist known for bringing Beethoven to international audiences in exciting and novel ways will perform at Drake University.
Author: Aaron Jaco (Aaron Jaco)
President Jimmy Carter returns to Drake (in virtual form) for live program on U.S.–China relations
Drake University will host a live webcast by President Jimmy Carter on the topic of U.S.-China relations; an expert from Kemin Personal Care will speak on campus.
Drake celebrates September new hires and October anniversaries
September 2014 New Hires Eric Gosselink, Security Specialist, Public Safety Catherine Berk, Annual Giving Officer, Alumni & Development Hilary Ortmann, Events Director, Character Counts / Institute for Character Development Nicole Kerr, Administrative Assistant, Pharmacy & Health Sciences Brooke Vance, Administrative Assistant, Alumni & Development Ann Craig, Recruitment Assistant, Head Start Maria Luisa Mayorga, Facility Maintainer...
Sexual abuse survivor to give free talk at Drake
A survivor of child sexual abuse who served 18 years in prison for the murder of her father will speak at Drake University.
James Hansen to speak on climate change at Drake
One of the nation’s best-known climate scientists, James. E. Hansen, will give a free public talk in Sheslow Auditorium.
Writers and Critics performance searches for political idealism in tough economic times
Students and faculty perform an adaptation of Susan Glaspell's "The People" with scholars from the International Susan Glaspell Society.
Scholar discusses “Rise and Fall of the Muslim Brotherhood”
A leading expert on Islamist movements will discuss the rise and fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in a free public lecture at Drake University.
The Comparison Project features Hinduism scholar
The next installment of The Comparison Project will feature Anantanand Rambachan, professor of religion at St. Olaf College, whose lecture will continue in the Project’s theme of “Religion Beyond Words.”
Monterrey Tech professor uses technology to explore relationship between journalism, documentary film, and public understanding
A professor of media and film studies at Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico explore the relationship between journalism, documentary film, and public understanding of concepts, through the lens of computer technology.
Agency panel and film screening to address hunger in Iowa, beyond
Drake University is partnering with local food pantries and providers on a series of events aimed at raising awareness of food insecurity at the state, national, and international levels.