Iowa Gov. Chet Culver recently signed legislation drafted and championed by Drake University law students that mandates visitation rights for siblings split up through the foster care and adoptive placement process in Iowa.
Category: Law School News
Outstanding alumni honored for accomplishments, dedication to Drake
Bonnie Campbell, LA'82, LW'84, and Wayne Kern, LW'72, were named Alumni of the Year at this spring’s Supreme Court Celebration.
Bob Landess, LW’62, continues support of Drake Law School with planned gift
Robert, LW'62, and Nancy Landess have announced a substantial planned gift to the Drake Law School that will provide funding for the Landess Endowed Faculty Research Fund.
Drake Law School celebrates the local Asian community
Drake Law School left a visible impact on the estimated 30,000 festival-goers who attended CelebrAsian, the fifth annual Asian Heritage Festival that recently took place in Des Moines.
Drake law students tour rural Iowa with Vilsack, Hamilton
A dozen Drake law students recently trekked around southern Iowa via tour bus with former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, Drake visiting distinguished professor of law, and Neil Hamilton, the Dwight D. Opperman distinguished professor of law.
Professor Hamilton visits India and Italy to discuss agricultural law
Professor Neil Hamilton, the Opperman chair and director of the Agricultural Law Center, spent five days in India in early May as part of a U.S. delegation taking part in a bilateral Indo-U.S. Workshop on Contract Farming: Methods and Experiences.
Drake program addresses moral dilemmas in law and medicine
Drake program to address moral dilemmas in law and medicine
In a society polarized by hot-button issues, morally sensitive topics can be extraordinarily divisive in the workplace. And for judges, lawyers, doctors and pharmacists, determining the role of an individual’s conscience can be problematic. That conundrum will be the topic of a multidisciplinary program being presented jointly by Drake University Law School, the American Judicature Society and Drake’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
AJS names Andersen as vice president
The American Judicature Society has announced the appointment of Seth S. Andersen as executive vice president.
Student presents oral arguments before Iowa Court of Appeals
Kendra Mills Arnold, a third-year Drake Law School student from Ankeny, presented oral arguments before the Iowa Court of Appeals March 8 at the Iowa Judicial Branch Building.
Prosecutor in UN-backed Court in Sierra Leone to return to Drake
Stephen Rapp, LW'74, prosecutor of the United Nations-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL), will return to Drake Law School April 9-10 to meet with students and faculty and deliver a lecture titled "The Compact Model in International Criminal Justice: The Special Court for Sierra Leone."