Participation by alumni and friends in the Law School Annual Fund is showing a 68 percent increase in the number of donors from this time last year and a substantial 17 percent increase in the amount contributed as well.
Category: Law School News
Law student co-authors paper with Iowa Supreme Court justice
Third-year law student Jess Phelps sits in a unique position. After all, his office lies just down the hall from Iowa Supreme Court Justice Mark Cady, LA'75, LW'78, on the fourth floor of the Iowa Judicial Branch Building.
Foster children work with Drake law students to pass unique sibling visitation law in Iowa
Law school students and faculty at Drake are trying to improve children's rights in Iowa by trying out a novel idea -- asking foster children themselves what laws need to be changed to better protect them, and then enlisting those foster children to lobby lawmakers to pass that legislation.
Vilsack gives keynote address at Supreme Court Celebration
Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack delivered the keynote address at the Drake University Law School’s annual Supreme Court Celebration held March 10 at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown.
AJS names Andersen as vice president
The American Judicature Society has announced the appointment of Seth S. Andersen as executive vice president.
Middleton Center for Children’s Rights celebrates its fifth birthday
Drake University Law School's Joan and Lyle Middleton Center for Children's Rights launched in 2001, rooted in the basic premise that children deserve the right to achieve their full potential.
National Bar Association archives to be transferred to Drake Law School Library
The Drake Law School will dedicate the transfer of National Bar Association (NBA) archives from the Des Moines Public Library to the Drake Law School Library on Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007, with a program, ribbon-cutting and reception. Linnes Finney Jr., president of the NBA, is scheduled to speak at the event.
Students, faculty join in exchanges with Chinese university
Two students chosen through a rigorous selection process at Southwestern University of Politics and Law in Chongqing, China, are enrolled in Drake University Law School this year as part of the Law School's efforts to develop exchange programs with Southwestern and enhance international initiatives already in place.
Law professor Keith Miller offers new class
While in Las Vegas last November for a Drake Law School alumni reception, something other than the Strip's legendary flashiness impressed Keith Miller, Drake's Ellis and Nelle Levitt distinguished professor of law.
Drake Constitutional Law Center hosts two speakers
Jack M. Balkin, the Knight professor of constitutional law and the First Amendment at Yale Law School, spoke at Drake's observance of Constitution Day on Thursday, Sept. 21, to a standing room-only crowd in Room 213 of Cartwright Hall.