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Category: College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Drake Faculty and Alumni on the IPA Board of Trustees

Congratulations to the Incoming 2013-2014 IPA Board of Trustee Members John Swegle, PH’92 President-Elect Staff Pharmacist Mercy Family Medicine Residency Program Associate Professor University of Iowa Mason City, IA Felix Gallagher, PH’00 Trustee, At-Large President PharmServ Solutions Des Moines, IA Justin Rash, PH’05 Trustee, At-Large Certified Geriatric Pharmacist Martin Health Services Ankeny, IA 2013-2014 IPA...


Drake Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Students Receive Awards at the Iowa Pharmacy Association’s Annual Meeting

Des Moines (June 26, 2013) IPA pays special tribute to pharmacists, technicians and pharmacy students who display professional practice and service to the Iowa public. The Iowa Pharmacy Association (IPA) is pleased to announce the following 2013 recipients of the Iowa Pharmacy Association Awards that were presented during the Association’s 2013 Annual Banquet on June...


Raylene Rospond receives IPA Distinguished Pharmacist Award

Raylene Rospond, deputy provost at Drake University, received the Robert G. Gibbs Distinguished Pharmacist Award at the 2013 Iowa Pharmacy Association (IPA) Annual Meeting in Coralville, Iowa. The award recognizes pharmacists for outstanding contributions to the profession of pharmacy and the IPA. The Distinguished Pharmacist Award is the highest recognition provided to a pharmacist by...


Drake College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences receives $125,000 gift

Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences has received a $125,000 gift from Cardinal Health, Inc., of Dublin, Ohio, to fund scholarships for pharmacy students interested in working for independent pharmacies. Drake was one of four schools selected to receive the gift. “Drake University’s commitment to community pharmacy and retail independent pharmacists of the...


Pharmacy practice faculty member receives award to partner with Hy-Vee, Inc. on research project

Nora Stelter, Pharm.D. and assistant professor of pharmacy practice at Drake University, is one of four pharmacy educators in the country to receive the Health and Wellness/Pharmacy Practice Ideation (HWPPI) Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and the Food Marketing Institute (AACP/FMI) Foundation. Stelter received an award of $5,000 to collaborate with...


Huy-hoang Nguyen receives 2013 Karbeling Memorial Leadership Award

The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS) honored Huy-hoang Nguyen as the recipient of the 2013 Karbeling Memorial Leadership Award. Nguyen was honored during the 2013 Doctor of Pharmacy Hooding Ceremony, held on May 18, 2013. As the award recipient, Nguyen received a commemorative plaque and financial support to attend a national meeting where...


College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences begins construction on Johansen Skills Assessment Laboratory

A lead gift from Greg Johansen to distinctlyDrake will fund the Johansen Skills Assessment Laboratory in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The gift from Johansen will allow for the creation of several flexible collaborative learning spaces that will allow students to practice skills in a controlled environment. Skills-based education is required and valued...


Commencement Archive and Downloads

The 2013 Drake University Commencement Archive is now active and available at https://wwww.drake.edu/stream Video copies of all four ceremonies are available to view for free. In addition, viewers can download copies to their computer or mobile device by following the link to Drake University on iTunes U on the website.


Drake University hosts grand opening for Morgan E. Cline Atrium for Pharmacy and Science

On Thursday, April 25, the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Drake University hosted a grand opening for the Morgan E. Cline Atrium for Pharmacy and Science. Administrators, faculty, staff, students, and friends joined together to celebrate the new facility and recognize the donors who made it all possible. Funding for the building came...