It is a masterful design of cells and tissue, organs and vessels, ligaments and bone. The human body is a work of art. Dr. Meyer Emanuel understood its intricacies and translated them with brush and palette. The urologist and gastrointestinal surgeon took to the canvas at age 55, and over the next three decades produced...
Category: College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Dr. Ann Burkhardt named Director of Occupational Therapy Program
The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences has announced Dr. Ann Burkhardt as the director of the Occupational Therapy program at Drake University, effective July 1, 2015. Burkhardt is currently a therapy resources management (TRM) occupational therapist at Crestwood & Grace Barker Nursing and Rehabilitation facilities in Warren, Rhode Island. Until 2010, she served as...
DUSCI presents 12th annual DUCURS event
The 12th annual DUCURS event, which is free and open to the public, is in the Olmsted Center from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 16. DUCURS provides a platform for students to share their findings with peers and others engaged in scientific exploration.
Do Something Drake: CPHS Student Profiles
Whether they are exploring Peru, volunteering in the community, or pursuing a dream internship, read how these students with majors in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences are taking advantage of the opportunities they have at Drake University Eric Williams Health sciences major West Des Moines, IA Eric plays soccer at Drake University. His...
Pharmacy Student Places in Top Ten in National Competition
Yvette Mitchell placed in the top ten nationally at the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists Patient Counseling Competition. After winning a competition at the local level, Mitchell, a P3 pharmacy major from Mahtomedi, MN, competed against more than 100 pharmacy students from different pharmacy programs across the country. “Competing against so many other students...
Drake to host free STEM Festival for K-12 youth
Drake University will host a free, family-friendly STEM Festival for students in grades K-12 and their families on April 16.
Julie Vice Hagel Endowed Travel Award & Brunch
Please join family and friends for a benefit brunch honoring the life of Julie Vice Hagel, Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 9:30am – 12:00pm at Drake University – Olmsted Center, Parents Hall North RSVP by clicking this link *Donations are requested to the Drake University Julie Vice Hagel Endowed Memorial Pharmacy Travel Award Julie’s...
APhA-ASP Drake Chapter comes home with awards
We are so proud of Yvette Mitchell and her accomplishment of placing in the Top 10 nationally for the APhA-ASP Patient Counseling Competition! She was an outstanding representative for Drake University CPHS! Also, a special congrats to APhA-ASP on winning the Top Generation Rx Program for Region 5 which covers 6 states and 8 schools...
Sacco Named Councilor for Society of Toxicology regional chapter
Dr. James Sacco, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, was elected councilor for the Central States Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology. Sacco graduated from pharmacy school at the University of Malta. He then received his doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences at the college of pharmacy at the University of Florida. He teaches courses in pharmacokinetics and...
CPHS Drake Notes, Spring 2015
The following class notes regarding graduates of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences will be published in the spring issue of Drake Blue magazine. Achievements Dorothy (Baiely) Masters, LA’50, and Wayne Masters, PH’50, Sioux City, Iowa, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Peter Johnson, PH’56, Wyoming, Ill. hung up his microphone after 58 years as a...