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Category: College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Elizabeth Bald named IPA’s 2016 Karbeling Leadership Award Winner

Elizabeth Bald is currently a fourth-year PharmD student at Drake University where she has distinguished herself with many academic achievements. In addition to her involvement in many volunteer roles in the community, Elizabeth has served as Chairperson of the Drake Pharmacy Unified Group of Students (DRxUGS), is an active member of Phi Lambda Sigma, Rho...


Drake Faculty and Alumni Elected to IPA’s Board of Trustees

Congratulations to all of this years newly elected members of the IPA Board of Trustees. Trustee Region 3: Rachel Digmann, PH’03 Trustee-at-Large: Nora Stelter, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice Rick Knutson, PH’98 was also inducted as President of the Association during the Annual Meeting held on June 17th in Des Moines, Iowa. Read More about...


CPHS 2016 Hooding Ceremony

At the hooding ceremony on May 14, students received their doctoral hoods and took the Oath of a Pharmacist, led by Felix Gallagher, Pharm D, Chair of the CPHS National advisory Council. Ron Torry, CPHS Professor and Department Chair and winner of the 2015-16 CPHS Teacher of the Year award gave faculty reflection at the...


CPHS professor elected to APhA-APPM

The American Pharmacists Association(APhA) Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management (APhA-APPM) announced the results of its recent elections. Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice Wendy Mobley-Bukstein PharmD, BCACP, CDE, who teaches in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Drake University, was among the elected officers. Mobley-Buckstein received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Drake University...