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Category: College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


Kappa Psi at Drake Continues National Success

At the recent Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity 59th Grand Council Convention in Washington D.C., Drake’s Beta Chi chapter was again recognized for its leadership and professional involvement. As a chapter, Beta Chi was named #6 out of 144 chapters in the United States. In addition, several Beta Chi members were recognized. Alex Maciejewski, a fourth-year...


Drake University Founding Member of Association for Athletic Training Educators

Drake University is one of 46 founding members of the new Association for Athletic Training Education (AATE), whose purpose is to create a community which serves as a collective voice for matters pertaining to athletic training education. Drake is the only athletic training program in the state of Iowa to be a founding member. The...


Drake Athletic Training Program Receives Prairie Meadows Grant

Students enrolled in Drake University’s Master’s in Athletic Training (MAT) program will be the beneficiaries of equipment purchased through a $9,985 grant from the Prairie Meadows 2019-2020 Community Betterment Grant program. Prairie Meadows Community Betterment Grants support qualified organizations seeking to improve the lives of people in their communities.   Drake University’s Master of Athletic Training degree program begins in...


Wall Named Ellis Endowed Professor of Pharmacy Practice

Geoffrey C. Wall, professor of pharmacy practice, has been named the John R. Ellis Endowed Professor of Pharmacy Practice, effective July 1.  This  professorship was established by John R. Ellis over 12 years ago to recognize and reward superior performance by faculty members in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.   The criteria for selection of the...

Chuck Phillips

Phillips Named Windsor Professor of Science

Charles Phillips, professor of social and administrative pharmacy and associate dean of curriculum and assessment, has been named a Windsor Professor of Science, effective July 1. This prestigious professorship was established by Mary Belle Windsor over 20 years ago to support two distinguished faculty in the sciences at Drake University. The other distinguished professor at Drake is...

Occupational Therapy and Pharmacy Doctorate Graduates Create a New Legacy

Occupational Therapy and Pharmacy Doctorate Graduates Create a New Legacy

Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS) held its Spring 2019 Doctoral Hooding and Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 18, in the Knapp Center. The event ushered in a new era as the first class of 26 occupational therapy students received their Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) degrees and doctoral hoods. 103 Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)...

Kaitlin Brueggen and Kenzie Magee

Drake CPHS Students Earn Rural Health Initiative Certificates

Drake College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (CPHS) third year pharmacy students, Kaitlin Brueggen and Kenzie Magee, recently received Rural Health Initiative certificates after completing the program organized by Des Moines University (DMU). The Rural Health Initiative is an interdisciplinary education program that focuses on health issues specific to rural communities. Drake PharmD and OTD...

Pinning Ceremony Award Winners

CPHS Students Honored at 2019 Recognition and Pinning Ceremony

Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS) held its annual Recognition and Pinning Ceremony on Thursday, May 9, 2019. The ceremony marks the transition to final year internships, fieldwork, and rotations for third year undergraduate health sciences students, second year occupational therapy doctoral students, and third year doctor of pharmacy students. To assist...

Katie Vollmer and Brian Gentry

Vollmer Receives AFPE Gateway to Research Award

Katie Vollmer, second year pharmacy student, is a recipient of a Gateway to Research Award sponsored by the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE). This award program seeks to provide student pharmacists with opportunities to participate in faculty-mentored research within the pharmaceutical sciences, leading to greater understanding of the importance of research and the implications...

Eliza Dy-Boarman

Dy-Boarman Named a 2019 AACP Emerging Teaching Scholar

Assistant Professor Eliza Dy-Boarman, PharmD, is the recipient of a 2019 Emerging Teaching Scholar Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). The AACP Emerging Teaching Scholars Award recognizes the excellence of academic pharmacy faculty engaged in or supporting scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning. In recognizing service and outstanding contributions to...