Princeton University faculty pianist Francine Kay kicks off the third season of Drake University’s Keys to Excellence Piano Series, which raises awareness of Drake's fundraising efforts for the purpose of purchasing 70 brand new Yamaha pianos for the music department.
IDEAS AT WAR: American Propaganda Posters of WWII
Exhibition features over fifty original posters produced by American designers to persuade the public to support wartime efforts Drake University’s Anderson Gallery will open its new season with “Ideas at War: American Propaganda Posters of World War II,” an exhibition featuring more than 50 original wartime posters from the collection of the State Historical Museum...
Drake introduces new Zenith Chamber Music Festival, Aug. 18-21
Zenith Chamber Music Festival features free, daily performances at four locations in Des Moines. Zenith is scheduled for August 18-21 and is hosted by Drake University.
Drake Theatre presents Irish musical “A Man of No Importance”
The Drake University Department of Theatre Arts will present the Irish musical “A Man of No Importance," April 30-May 3.
Memory Prints
For Phillip Chen, inspiration is everywhere: an antique spike from a circus tent, the stories of his great-grandfather working in a California gold mining town, or even the rock piles his children arrange in their backyard. From this collection of materials, ideas, stories, and histories, Chen, professor of art and design and printmaker, creates works...
Art Imitates Life
It is a masterful design of cells and tissue, organs and vessels, ligaments and bone. The human body is a work of art. Dr. Meyer Emanuel understood its intricacies and translated them with brush and palette. The urologist and gastrointestinal surgeon took to the canvas at age 55, and over the next three decades produced...
Multi-media senior thesis exhibition opens May 1 at the Anderson Gallery
Drake art and design seniors present Seek, their senior thesis exhibition starting Friday, May 1 in Drake’s Anderson Gallery. The exhibition, featuring painting, drawing, printmaking, graphic design, and installation, seeks to both identify and redefine basic human constructions.
Keys to Excellence Series Features EStrella Piano Duo
The EStrella Piano Duo will perform at Drake University on April 10 as part of the Keys of Excellence series.
Drake Theatre: “A Flea in Her Ear” opens April 2
The Drake University Department of Theatre Arts will present David Ives’s adaptation of “A Flea in Her Ear,” by George Feydeau, beginning Thursday, April 2.
Forward-thinking senior thesis exhibition opens April 10 at the Anderson Gallery
Four Drake University art and design students will present their forward-thinking senior thesis exhibition starting Friday, April 10, in Drake’s Anderson Gallery.