The Comparison Project’s two-year thematic exploration of the concept of ineffability continues Feb. 12 with "The Sayings and Missayings of Samuel Beckett."
Dennis Goldford named as Flansburg Fellow at Harkin Institute for Public Policy and Citizen Engagement
The Harkin Institute for Public Policy and Citizen Engagement at Drake University announced today that Professor Dennis Goldford has been named the Institute’s first Flansburg Fellow.
Adult Literacy Center seeks volunteers
Show your gratitude that you can read. Give the gift of literacy to an adult who cannot. Volunteers tutor one adult for 1 ½ or 2 hours a week at the Adult Literacy Center at Drake University.
Keys to Excellence: Nicholas Roth and Drake piano students in concert
Five Drake piano students will showcase their talents on a world-renowned concert grand piano during a free concert at Drake University next month. The performance will begin at 7:30 p.m. Monday, December 1, in Sheslow Auditorium, 2507 University Ave.
Keys to Excellence concert features Beethoven Project founder
A renowned pianist known for bringing Beethoven to international audiences in exciting and novel ways will perform at Drake University.
Drake Theatre presents “Square One” by Steve Tesich
Drake University’s department of theatre arts will present “Square One” by Steve Tesich beginning Thursday, Oct. 2 in the Studio Theatre of the Harmon Fine Arts Center.
Renee Cramer elected president of the Consortium of Undergraduate Law and Justice Programs
Renee Cramer has been elected president of the Consortium of Undergraduate Law and Justice Programs. The Consortium promotes undergraduate legal studies education in a wide variety of institutions in the United States and Canada.
Professor Thomas R. Rosburg to deliver 30th Annual Stalnaker Lecture
Thomas R. Rosburg, professor of biology at Drake University, will deliver the 30th Annual Luther W. Stalnaker Lecture on Tuesday, Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. in Sheslow Auditorium.
International writers visit Drake as part of the Susan Glaspell Writers & Critics Reading Series
Three writers from the University of Iowa International Writing Program will be visiting Drake University on Sept. 23 for a presentation titled “Being a Writer in the World: Writing as World Citizenship.”
Zen Buddhist scholar to discuss the ineffable as part of The Comparison Project
Gereon Kopf, associate professor of religion at Luther College, will deliver a lecture titled “When Expression is Expressed, Non-Expression is Not-Expressed: A Zen Buddhist Approach to Talking About the Ineffable” as part of The Comparison Project’s fall 2014 programming.