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Author: Aaron Jaco (Aaron Jaco)

Earl F. Martin Named 13th President of Drake University

Earl F. Martin Named 13th President of Drake University

DES MOINES, IA (January 12, 2015)—Earl F. “Marty” Martin has been named the 13th president of Drake University. The Drake University Board of Trustees identified President-elect Martin as an engaged leader who will bring to Drake a passionate commitment to the liberal arts and professional education; experience enhancing diversity; a deep understanding of excellent teaching,...


The Lytles’ Legacy

Steven Lytle always knew he’d go to college. He just never imagined that the college would be Drake. “My parents would have seen that I went to school somehow,” says Lytle, BN’67, LW’76. “But the only way I could afford a private school was with scholarships from many different donors.” With his tuition halved by...


An Unexpected Collaboration

When senior public relations major Kelly Tafoya learned that Drake had been chosen to host a regional conference of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) next spring, she and her classmates knew they couldn’t organize such a monumental event alone. “It was exciting and kind of terrifying,” Tafoya recalls. Luckily, there’s been no...


Remembering Pearl Harbor

Robert Isokane, LA’53, was on a golf course in Honolulu when his life—and, indeed, the world—changed forever. The date was December 7, 1941 and Isokane was 15 years old. The Honolulu native was working as a caddy for an Army lieutenant colonel when the colonel was suddenly called away. Soon Isokane [pronounced e-so-kahn-ay] and a...


Maxwell jams with blues legend

During his celebrated musical career, John Paul Hammond has shared a stage with Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Muddy Waters, Tom Waits, and countless other legendary performers. This month the Grammy Award-winning musician added a lesser-known (at least outside of certain musical circles) bluesman to his list of collaborators: Drake University President David Maxwell. Maxwell celebrated his...


East Meets West

Photo courtesy Hiltrud Schulz/UMass Amherst. Professor, author, scholar, archivist, and founder of the East German Film Archive at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Barton Byg has been pretty busy since graduating from Drake in 1975. Today Byg is the director of the DEFA Library. Named after an East German film studio, the library recently celebrated...


Life-Changing Occupation

Photo: Health Sciences students study in the Ellis Disease Prevention Lab at Drake University. Elizabeth Heiny, AS’11, was volunteering as a caregiver for foster children in Texas when she became concerned about the wellbeing of a five-month-old. The baby boy wasn’t developing on pace and had poor control of his head. That’s when Elizabeth was...