The classes of 1957, 1947 and 1937 will celebrate milestone reunions during Drake’s Commencement Weekend, May 10-12.
1834 search results for: alumni
Alum extols the benefits of being a mentor
Deanne M. Rymarowicz, Esq., JO’91, LW’94, enjoyed her experience as a mentor to Drake first-year law student Erin Lain and shares her perspectives here.
Treat yourself to a great Drake trip
Drake is offering alumni and friends several exciting travel opportunities for 2007-08. Consider treating yourself to these fun and affordable ways to see the world!
Have a blast at a Bulldog Bash
The Drake Alumni Office is seeking alumni worldwide to help organize the annual Bulldog Bashes in their cities. These parties, typically held at pubs and restaurants, are fun, informal ways for Bulldogs to gather and get to know fellow alumni in their area.
Iowa Speedway Specialist Carries Lecture Series across the Finish Line
Craig Armstrong, vice president and general manager of Iowa Speedway, will conclude Drake's spring 2007 "Let's DU Lunch" lecture series with a talk beginning at noon Wednesday, April 4, at the Polk County Convention Complex, 501 Grand Ave.
Keno Davis Named Men’s Basketball Coach
Drake Director of Athletics Sandy Hatfield Clubb announced today the naming of Keno Davis as the school’s 24th head men’s basketball coach.
Business Recovery Expert to Speak at Drake Lunch Series
Travis Thompson, vice president of operations for the Edge Business Continuity Center in Altoona, will discuss business continuity and disaster recovery at Drake University's Let's DU Lunch speaker series at noon Wednesday.
This month@Drake
THURSDAY, MARCH 8 “Collisions of Conscience and Professional Responsibility: When Judges, Pharmacists, Lawyers and Doctors Choose Not to Serve,” 3 p.m., Cartwright Hall, room 213. Annual School of Education’s Alumni Awards and Senior Recognition Dinner, 6 p.m., Parents Hall, Olmsted Center, . For reservations, contact Tracy Bainter, 515-271-2183, Stringfellow Lecture: Ed Fallon, “Politics as...
Business recovery expert to speak at Drake lunch series
Travis Thompson, vice president of operations for the Edge Business Continuity Center in Altoona, will discuss business continuity and disaster recovery at Drake’s Let's DU Lunch speaker series at noon Wednesday, March 14.
2007 Double D Award winners honored
At the Drake Double D Award dinner held Feb. 17, Drake Athletics recognized four outstanding alumni for achievements in their chosen fields of endeavor and/or community service since leaving Drake.