Anna K. Ryon, a third-year law student and Opperman Scholar from Des Moines, recently gave an hour-long presentation at a national conference on adjustable-rate and exotic mortgages and how they have contributed to the subprime lending crisis.
Category: Law School News
Drake Student Bar Association named best in nation
The Student Bar Association at Drake University Law School recently received the SBA of the Year award from the American Bar Association/Law Student Division.
Conference explores risk and responsibility in the 21st century
Nationally known legal scholars, attorneys and government leaders gathered Sept. 7, at Drake University Law School for a conference on risk and responsibility convened by former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, a visiting distinguished professor of law at Drake.
Kende and Yu represent Drake at international conference in Berlin
Mark Kende, the James Madison chair in constitutional law and director of the Drake Constitutional Law Center, and Peter Yu, the Kern family chair in intellectual property law and director of the Drake Intellectual Property Law Center, participated in the 2007 Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, from July 25-28.
Drake law alumni and all that jazz
The award-winning Drake Jazz Band provided a colorful backdrop for the Law School Reunion this summer. Law grads reconnected with old friends on June 8-9 in Des Moines. On Saturday, alumni met for breakfast and toured the Law School and Legal Clinic with David Walker, dean of the Law School.
Walker to step down as Law School dean next May
David S. Walker, dean of Drake University Law School and the Dwight D. Opperman distinguished professor of law, has notified the University and the Law School that he will resign as dean at the end of the 2007-08 academic year and return to the faculty.
Using land and natural resources to revitalize rural Iowa
The Drake University Law School will kick off the 25th anniversary celebration of its Agricultural Law Center with "Rural Lands Rural Livelihoods: Using Land and Natural Resources to Revitalize Rural Iowa," a conference and art show beginning Thursday, Sept. 20.
Distinguished Georgetown scholar to discuss wealth and inequality on Oct. 5
Emma Jordan, professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center, will open the 2007-08 Constitutional Law Distinguished Lecture Series at 2 p.m., Friday, Oct. 5, in room 213 of Cartwright Hall. The lecture, which is free and open to the public is titled "Wealth and Inequality: Thinking about Communities and Individualism."
Drake Law School alumni recognized by Iowa State Bar Association
The Iowa State Bar Association (ISBA) recently recognized four Drake Law School alumni James Carney, LW'75, David Brown, LW'75, Jane Lorentzen, LW'91, and Dan Moore, LW'77.
Law School gains increase in enrollment for 2007-08 academic year
While law schools across the Midwest and even the nation saw an average decrease in applicants by 4.3 percent this year, Drake Law School broke the trend with a 6% increase in applicants for the year.