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Success in the changing media landscape

Luke Braland and Ankita Dhussa have a lot in common: Both grew up in the Midwest; both earned a degree in journalism this spring, majoring in Radio/TV Producing; and both landed several internships during their time at Drake. More importantly, both were able to parlay their internships into job offers. Although they’re now headed to...


Love Actuary: Landing the nation’s top job

Thanks to the University’s excellent reputation and strong partnerships with the community, Drake students studying actuarial science in the College of Business and Public Administration are graduating with several job offers on the table. In fact, they are landing top jobs, according to careercast.com, which rated actuary the top job for 2013. “Actuarial science is...


Four easy ways to stay connected with Drake

Whether you’re in Drake’s backyard or halfway across the country, there’s a host of ways to connect with your alma mater and immerse yourself in the alumni experience. 1) Connect with us on social media: Our Facebook page alerts you to events happening on campus and around the country, shares the great things your fellow...


There’s an App Class for that!

Simulating a real work setting, a class of interdisciplinary Drake students divided into teams this spring, combining computer programming, graphic design, and journalism skills to develop new apps for the Android operating system. “I walked into the class knowing that I would be one of the designers, but I had no idea it was going...


Drake Archives, Harkin Institute Promise Wealth of Student Opportunities

As director of the Agricultural Law Center at Drake University, Professor Neil Hamilton often incorporates elements of the federal farm bill into his classroom. That legislation—debated and updated by Congress every five years—is the nation’s primary agricultural policy tool, and as such offers a wealth of information that is crucial for the next generation of...


School of Education re-launches graduate program in leadership development

In January 2012 leaders in the School of Education (SOE) completed an external program review for the Adult Learning and Organizational Performance master’s program. That’s when they learned that the program was the “best kept secret in town.” “We brought in a consultant for quality improvement purposes,” says Cristina Wildermuth, assistant professor of education. “He...


National Alumni Board provides rewarding opportunities

Busy: A word that defines the lives of many Americans—especially Drake grads, who tend to have the reputation of being successful professionals and leaders in their communities. Staying connected and being an active alumnus sounds challenging, but it’s far more rewarding than you might imagine. Jill Johnson, BN’82, GR’83, secretary of the National Alumni Association...


Travel course holds the keys to European sights

Traveling to Europe today may be easier than in years past, but not every experience is equal. Drake University graduate students have access to an experience that is well beyond the reach of the average globetrotter. The College of Business and Public Administration course, Comparative Management and Policy Analysis in a Global Context, takes students...