Arthur Greene, professor of piano at University of Michigan, will present the next concert of Drake’s Keys to Excellence Piano Series on Nov. 6 in Sheslow Auditorium.
Category: CAS News
Get to Know: Salvador Leetoy, Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence
A Q&A with Fulbright Scholar in Residence Salvador Leetoy, professor of global communication and cultural studies at Tecnologico de Monterrey in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Bulldog Buildings and Memories they Contain
A new Drake University art exhibit will explore the architects behind some of Drake’s great buildings. Perhaps more importantly, it will explore how the University has claimed these buildings as its own.
Drake Theatre to showcase four student productions
The Drake University Department of Theatre Arts will showcase a collection of four student-produced short plays. Performances are Oct. 27-29.
Mies | Weese exhibit explores Iowa connections to renowned modernist architects
An exhibition at Drake University’s Anderson Gallery reveals the Iowa connections to three pioneering minds in modernist architecture. Nov. 9 - Dec. 22
Announcing the 2018 Herb and Karen Baum Symposium on Ethics and the Professions
The 2018 Herb and Karen Baum Symposium on Ethics and the Professions will examine the key moral responsibilities of members of the U.S. civic body, from various walks of professional life, in light of the current political climate.
Kent recognized for innovation in STEM education
Deborah Kent, associate professor of mathematics at Drake University, is a finalist for a state award that recognizes innovation in STEM education.
Descended from royalty, Drake senior shares his culture through art exhibition
Drake senior Morayo Adeyoju, a native of the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria, shares his cultural history as part of an art exhibition on display through Oct. 22 in The Anderson Gallery. Adeyoju's grandfather was a king of the Yoruba tribe.
The Comparison Project hosts lecture on divine action via quantum mechanics
Scholar Robert J. Russell will present a theory, based in Christianity, of how divine action may intervene in nature through quantum mechanics.
Five Drake students selected for World Food Prize Foundation internships
Five Drake University students have been chosen for prestigious internship opportunities at The World Food Prize Foundation, an international nonprofit organization focusing on improvements in the field of food insecurity.