Stephen Rapp, prosecutor of the United Nations Special Court for Sierra Leone, has been nominated for a key U.S. State Department post by President Barack Obama.
Category: Law School News
Obama nominates Drake Law alumnus for state department post
Stephen Rapp, a Drake University Law School graduate and prosecutor of the United Nations Special Court for Sierra Leone, has been nominated for a key U.S. State Department post by President Barack Obama.
Drake sponsors farmers’ market event to benefit food bank
Drake University's Buy Fresh Buy Local will co-sponsor a lunch in the midst of the local food network it aims to support at the Downtown Farmers' Market on Saturday, July 11.
Drake, Leopold Center launch land tenure project
Sustainable agriculture and land tenure are the focus of a new research and outreach collaboration between Drake University and Iowa State University.
Professor Bartrum to present paper at national convention
Ian Bartrum, Drake Law School’s newest faculty member, has been selected to present the Association of American Law Schools Steven Gey Paper in Constitutional Law at the association’s 2010 annual convention.
Local food and wine event to benefit Buy Fresh Buy Local
On Thursday, June 25, Drake University will co-sponsor an evening showcasing wines and foods from Iowa vintners and farms to support the Buy Fresh Buy Local campaign and its network.
Dean Lovell presents lectures at Chinese universities
Associate Dean Russell Lovell's visit to three Chinese Universities is being covered in Chinese news reports.
Drake Law students celebrate bill signing
A revamped version of a bill allowing minors to petition for emancipation -- drafted last year by five Drake University law students -- was one of nine bills signed into law Tuesday by Iowa Gov. Chet Culver.
Drake Law School to host second Biotech Summer Institute
The Intellectual Property Law Center at Drake University will again draw industry leaders, attorneys, academics and scientists to its second Summer Institute in Intellectual Property, Biotechnology and Agricultural Sciences on June 1-2.
Professor Clark accepts award on behalf of Justice Thurgood Marshall’s Family
Drake University law professor Hunter R. Clark traveled to the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site in Topeka, Kan., on May 17 to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling that outlawed racial segregation in public education.