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Category: ITS News & Announcements

ITS News & Announcements

Planned maintenance tonight: ITS systems

ITS staff will be performing routine maintenance tonight between 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. During this time, ITS supported systems may be unavailable. If you experience issues after the maintenance is complete, contact the ITS Support Center for help by visiting service.drake.edu/its, calling 515-271-3001, or visiting the lower level of Carnegie Hall.  To see the...

ITS Alert

Virtual Apps & Desktops Issue

ITS staff are aware of and investigating an issue causing virtual apps and desktops to be unavailable. We’ll provide updates as we work to resolve this issue. If you’re being affected by this issue, contact the ITS Support Center by submitting a Virtual Apps/Desktop Issue ticket, calling 515-271-3001, or visiting the lower level of Carnegie...

ITS Alert

Resolved: Wireless Network Issue

ITS staff have resolved the wireless network issue. Thank you for your patience. Everyone should be able to reconnect to eduroam; if you connected to the guest network as a workaround, make sure to “forget” that network to avoid conflicts and errors. If you’re still experiencing issues, contact the ITS Support Center for help by...

ITS Alert

Wireless Network Issue

ITS staff are aware of and investigating a wireless network issue; some people have reported not being able to connect and others have been bumped off the wireless network. We’ll provide updates as we work to resolve this issue.  If you’re being affected by this issue, contact the ITS Support Center by submitting a Network...

ITS News & Announcements

Planned Maintenance: Banner and Connected Systems 

ITS staff will be performing maintenance on the Banner system beginning Saturday, Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. and lasting approximately 12 hours, with the system available around 7 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 27. During this time, Self Service, Admin Pages, TouchNet, ProcessMaker, eTranscripts, and other systems connected to Banner will be unavailable. This downtime is...

ITS News & Announcements

Planned maintenance tonight: ITS systems

ITS staff will be performing routine maintenance tonight between 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. During this time, ITS supported systems may be unavailable. If you experience issues after the maintenance is complete, contact the ITS Support Center for help by visiting service.drake.edu/its, calling 515-271-3001, or visiting the lower level of Carnegie Hall.  To see the...

ITS News & Announcements

Planned Maintenance: Campus Printing

ITS staff and our vendor partner, Xerox, will be performing maintenance on the PaperCut printing system next Monday, Oct. 14 beginning at 4:45 p.m. and lasting approximately 2 hours. During this time, print services and the ability to submit print jobs via web print may briefly be unavailable. This work is necessary to apply software...

ITS Alert

Resolved: Verizon Service Issue

Verizon official social media posted last night that their engineers have resolved the service issue and restored phone services to all customers. If you continue to experience issues, first try restarting your device. If issues persist, reach out to Verizon customer service for assistance. If you’re still experiencing issues with Drake campus technology, contact the...

ITS Alert

Update: Verizon Service Issue

Verizon engineers continue to work on resolving the service issue. Their official social media indicates they’ve made progress in restoring service and work continues around the clock. Verizon customers at Drake may continue to experience issues with phone services and SMS messaging. MFA approval notifications may also be impacted for those not using a campus...

ITS Alert

Verizon Service Issue

ITS staff are aware of a service interruption impacting Verizon customers; some people may see an “SOS” indicator on their phones and may be unable to use phone services and SMS messaging. While we’re not able to resolve this issue, we’ll provide an update when it’s resolved. Official Verizon accounts and sites will have the...