Edward Bell, professor of pharmacy practice, was recently the subject of a professional profile that appeared in the Des Moines Register.
Category: College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Pharmacy and Health Sciences Dean discusses work, family balance with Des Moines Woman magazine
Raylene Rospond, dean of Drake's College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, is the subject of a feature profile in the November issue of Des Moines Woman
Drake Pharmacy Preceptor Wins Award for Outstanding Service
Chasity D. Mease, clinical coordinator for the Walgreens Patient Care Center and Drake Shared Faculty
Drake Pharmacy Student Team a Finalist in National Business Plan Competition
Drake University pharmacy student team was named one of three finalists in a national business plan competition
International Women’s Pharmacy Association Recognizes Drake Alumna
Gloria Bernstein, PH'78, recently received the Lambda Kappa Sigma (LKS) 2010 Distinguished Service Citation Award
Alum Elected to AACP Executive Office
Rod Carter, PH'76, was recently installed as president of AACP
Drake CPHS Faculty Participate in Annual AACP Meeting in Seattle, WA
Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences faculty participated in the recent American Association of College of Pharmacy Annual Meeting in Seattle July 10 – 14.
Drake faculty, students and alumni honored by Iowa Pharmacy Association
Drake faculty, students and alumni from the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences had a strong presence at the June Iowa Pharmacy Association (IPA) annual meeting.
Denise Soltis, Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs published in Journal of Pharmacy Practice
National Survey of Volunteer Pharmacy Preceptors: Effects of Region, Practice Setting, and Population Density on Responses Pharmacy Practice 2010; 23; 265 originally published online Apr 14, 2010; Hritcko, Cynthia J. Boyle, Mitra Assemi and Paul D. Turner Maryann Z. Skrabal, Rhonda M. Jones, Ryan W. Walters, Ruth E. Nemire, Denise A. Soltis, Abby A. Kahaleh,...