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Drake students win top awards for research at Iowa Physiological Society meeting

At the annual Iowa Physiological Society (IPS) meeting on Sept. 21, Drake University students took the research competition by storm, placing first, second, and third in the poster presentation awards. Seven Drake University students in total presented research at the meeting. Zachary Kadow, a senior biochemistry, cellular, and molecular biology major, earned first place in...


Drake Symphony Orchestra to perform first concert of the season, Oct. 6

On Oct. 6, the Drake Symphony Orchestra will present its first concert of the season in Sheslow Auditorium on Drake University’s campus. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. and is free and open to the public. The concert will feature Mozart’s Symphony No. 38, “Prague,” and selections from Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake.” Drake students audition...

Drake’s College of Arts and Sciences celebrates Lacy Organic Lab Dedication

Drake’s College of Arts and Sciences celebrates Lacy Organic Lab Dedication

On Oct. 4, the Drake University College of Arts and Sciences will celebrate the generosity of University trustee Cathy (GR’86) and Steve Lacy, whose gift of $500,000 made possible recent renovations of an existing laboratory. The dedication and ribbon cutting will take place at 12:45 p.m. in the newly renamed Lacy Organic Lab in Harvey...


Professor William P. Dougherty to deliver 29th Stalnaker Lecture

William P. Dougherty, Ellis and Nelle Levitt Professor of Music at Drake University, will deliver the 29th Luther W. Stalnaker lecture on Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. in Sheslow Auditorium at Drake University, 2507 University Ave. His lecture, “Signs in Song,” will discuss the relationship between music and text. After an examination of intermediality...


Comparison Project to discuss Buddhist philosophy of language on Oct. 3

The Comparison Project, the organization that brought the Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Drake’s campus earlier this month, will continue with their fall programming on Thursday, Oct. 3 with a lecture titled, “Ineffabilities and Conventional Truth in Jñānaśrimitra’s Buddhist Philosophy of Language.” Amy Donahue, assistant professor of philosophy at Kennesaw State University, will deliver the lecture...


Drake professor receives Dissertation of the Year Award

Alyssa Samek, visiting professor of rhetoric at Drake University, was honored with the first annual Dissertation of the Year Award from the GLBTQ Division and the Caucus on LGBTQ Concerns within the National Communication Association. The GLBTQ Dissertation of the Year Award acknowledges one exceptional dissertation that is advancing GLBTQ communication. Samek is a first-year...