Home Jeremy Sievers

Author: Jeremy Sievers (Jeremy Sievers)


Drake Intellectual Property Law Center hosts joint conference with Oxford University

On June 14-15, the Intellectual Property Law Center at Drake Law School will host the 11th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference with the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford. Titled “China and the New Internet World,” this conference at Oxford University will feature multidisciplinary presentations from communications scholars, policy analysts, industry leaders, journalists,...


School of Education re-launches graduate program in leadership development

In January 2012 leaders in the School of Education (SOE) completed an external program review for the Adult Learning and Organizational Performance master’s program. That’s when they learned that the program was the “best kept secret in town.” “We brought in a consultant for quality improvement purposes,” says Cristina Wildermuth, assistant professor of education. “He...


National Alumni Board provides rewarding opportunities

Busy: A word that defines the lives of many Americans—especially Drake grads, who tend to have the reputation of being successful professionals and leaders in their communities. Staying connected and being an active alumnus sounds challenging, but it’s far more rewarding than you might imagine. Jill Johnson, BN’82, GR’83, secretary of the National Alumni Association...


Drake University to Receive Senator Tom Harkin’s papers, Create Public Policy Institute in Harkin’s Name

U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin announced today that he plans to transfer and eventually donate historical papers and materials from 40 years of service in the U.S. Congress to Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, when his current Senate term is concluded. The Senator’s papers will be housed in the newly created Drake University Archives in...


Pharmacy practice faculty member receives award to partner with Hy-Vee, Inc. on research project

Nora Stelter, Pharm.D. and assistant professor of pharmacy practice at Drake University, is one of four pharmacy educators in the country to receive the Health and Wellness/Pharmacy Practice Ideation (HWPPI) Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy and the Food Marketing Institute (AACP/FMI) Foundation. Stelter received an award of $5,000 to collaborate with...


Drake University to host Iowa Rehabilitation Association 2013 Brag and Steal Conference

The Drake University Iowa Rehabilitation Association (DU-IRA), a graduate student organization, is hosting the 2013 Brag and Steal conference on Friday, June 21 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Drake’s Olmsted Center, 2875 University Ave. The conference is open to the public. Brag and Steal is an annual training offered through the Job Placement...


Middle school students attend App Camp at Drake University

On Monday, June 10, Drake University will kick off two, weeklong App Camps for middle school students. Participants will learn the basics of computer science through the development of Android application software in a series of interactive activities. “One of the main goals of the camp is to plant some seeds amongst the younger generation...