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Drake Law School explores Iowa’s history of setting precedent

Iowa has a history of setting precedent. From refusing to recognize slavery within its borders to outlawing segregation in public education 86 years before the U. S Supreme Court did so to being the first place in the Nation to train African Americans and women to be commissioned as officers during war, the state has much to be proud of when it comes to civil rights and public service.


Kende and Yu represent Drake at international conference in Berlin

Mark Kende, the James Madison chair in constitutional law and director of the Drake Constitutional Law Center, and Peter Yu, the Kern family chair in intellectual property law and director of the Drake Intellectual Property Law Center, participated in the 2007 Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, from July 25-28.


Drake law alumni and all that jazz

The award-winning Drake Jazz Band provided a colorful backdrop for the Law School Reunion this summer. Law grads reconnected with old friends on June 8-9 in Des Moines. On Saturday, alumni met for breakfast and toured the Law School and Legal Clinic with David Walker, dean of the Law School.