Drake’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is helping its students prepare for what is an increasingly complex and diverse world by providing the opportunity for students to pursue multiple curricular options, including joint degree programs, minors, concentrations, and second majors. More than 50 percent of doctor of pharmacy students and 33 percent of health...
Category: College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Throwback Photo
Recognize anyone? This is the composite photo of Kappa Psi fraternity in 1932. Reconnect and reminisce by viewing hundreds of pharmacy fraternity composites on the CPHS’ website. Click here to browse through composite photos from Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Chi, and Lambda Kappa Sigma fraternities. Can’t find your composite photo? Please send a copy to the College...
“Up ‘Til Dawn” keeps students up for good
The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures and means of prevention for catastrophic pediatric diseases through research and treatment. Some families must stay at the St. Jude facility for extended periods of time, but no family is required to pay for services. With high operating costs, the facility could...
Scholarships create opportunity in independent pharmacy
Drake University’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS) was one of four schools to receive a $125,000 gift from Cardinal Health to fund scholarships for pharmacy students interested in careers with independent pharmacies. Thomas Walters, a PharmD and M.B.A. candidate at Drake, is the first student to benefit from Cardinal Health’s generous gift. “The...
P4 student attends World Youth Forum for Ethics in Business
Encouraging responsible global citizenship and understanding is an important aspect of the Drake education. Mitch Webster, a P4 student in Drake’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, had the opportunity to advance his understanding of global responsibility as the United States’ representative at the World Youth for Ethics in Business Forum in Brussels, Belgium,...
Health care in 2014: A roundtable discussion
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010. Three years later, many Americans are left with unanswered questions. In an effort to help educate Iowans on the new law, the Drake College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and Rahul Parsa, Principal Financial Group Distinguished Professor and professor of actuarial...
Community and global engagement continues to rise in the CPHS
Community and global engagement have long been priorities for the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS) at Drake University. But, with a new dean and strategic planning in full force, the college’s commitment to community and global responsibility is on track to reach new heights. Denise Soltis, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, has...
Drake Pharmacy Students Decorate Tree to Benefit Blank Children’s Hospital
Drake Pharmacy Students decorated a tree in the annual Festival of Trees and Lights, benefiting the Blank Children’s Hospital Child Life and Advocacy & Outreach programs. The Drake tree was decorated by Alyssa Gould, Janelle Behnke, and Kelsey Lawfer, all P3 students. During the Gala event on Tuesday, November 26, the Drake tree was selected by Bankers Life,...
Health profile: Pharmacy is in new Drake dean’s DNA
Wendy Duncan, the new dean of the Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, comes from a family of pharmacists. Click here to read about Dean Duncan’s feature in the Des Moines Register. Or read here: http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20131202/LIFE02/312020021/Health-profile-Pharmacy-is-in-new-Drake-dean-s-DNA?Frontpage
New space provides learning opportunities for CPHS students
The Johansen Skills Assessment Laboratory opened its doors with a special reception on Oct. 4. This new, state-of-the-art learning space, made possible by a lead gift from Greg Johansen, PH’76 to distinctlyDrake, allows students, faculty, and staff to collaborate and learn in a flexible and intellectually stimulating environment. “The Johansen Skills Assessment Laboratory enables faculty...