Professor Dennis Goldford has authored a new book, "The Constitution of Religious Freedom: God, Politics, and the First Amendment."
Author: Carl Olsen (Carl Olsen)
Drake pharmacy professor receives $10,000 research grant
Professor Andrea Kjos received a grant from the American Associations of Colleges and Pharmacy - New Investigator Awards.
Lecture will examine women’s rights in Pakistan
Human rights advocate, Sameena Nazir, will give a lecture entitled, "Women's Rights: Organizing from the Ground up in Pakistan Today" on campus March 15.
Holding the (car) key to daughter’s college search
Tom Delahunt, vice president for admission and student financial planning, reflects on being on the other side of the college search process with his teenage daughter.
Drake choirs will tour Minnesota
Drake Choir and Chamber Choir will perform in Winona, Collegeville and Richfield, MN, March 14-18.
Drake music professor co-edits book
Eric Saylor, associate professor of music history at Drake, is a co-editor and contributor to the recently released essay collection, "Blackness in Opera."
Drake Law hosts first-ever diversity retreat
50 Students and Administrators gathered last month for Drake Law’s inaugural Diversity Retreat.
Anderson Gallery announces new exhibition and extended public hours
The 41st Annual Juried Student Exhibition will open March 4 at Drake University's Anderson Gallery.
Law Professor Jerry Anderson’s argument for animal welfare reform
Drake Law Professor Jerry Anderson's paper on animal welfare reform was published in the Stanford Journal of Animal Law and Policy.
Evidence for Residence
Iowa judge brings experience, expert advice to office and courtroom at Drake Legal Clinic