Panopto has provided a solution for the issue that was causing students to be unable to access video content via Blackboard. See below for instructions based on your role. ITS continues to monitor the service and will provide additional updates when available. If you continue to have issues even after following the guidance below, please contact the ITS Support Center at

For Students:

First-time Panopto student users must first be synced with the service via Blackboard before they can access video content. To do this, you need to click on the Panopto Video Link within the Blackboard Course. Directions on this process can be found at:

For Faculty:

By default, the Panopto Video Link shows in any course that has been provisioned for Panopto. If you have hidden or deleted the link, you will need to restore it in order for Panopto to function for your students. Directions on this process can be found at: