April 4-5, noon-noon CDT
On April 4–5, 2019 from noon to noon CDT, Drake Bulldogs around the world are invited to take part in the sixth annual All In Giving Challenge. All In celebrates Drake University and is a call for students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, and friends to share and celebrate their love of Drake and support its future. The 24-hour giving challenge is also an opportunity to demonstrate commitment to the University and its mission.
All In is one of Drake’s most exciting and engaging fundraising events of the year. For 2019, Drake aims to bring in gifts from 1,350 donors. If that number is met during the 24-hour period, alumni Doug Zinser, AS’96, and Dick Sussman, LA’51, will give $65,000 to the Drake Fund, which supports the most immediate needs of the University, including scholarships and operational support.
“One hundred percent of the monies that come into Drake, whether it be tuition dollars or generous donations, are invested directly back into people, places, and programs that make this University exceptional,” said Becca Widmer, director of annual giving. “A strong Drake Fund makes a strong Drake. The collective strength and enthusiasm of the Drake community is on full display when we come together during All In.”
At its heart, All In celebrates Drake. Participants are encouraged to not only give, but to share why they love Drake—on their social media feeds, face-to-face with others, and at All In events. Happy hour gatherings—hosted by Drake Alumni Relations and the local Regional Alumni Boards—will take place in Chicago, Des Moines, Kansas City, and Minneapolis on the evening of April 4. Events will also take place on campus for students.
During the 24-hour event, community members can follow along on the All In website to see real-time updates of donor numbers and dollars raised, a heatmap indicating which states have the highest number of individual donors, and a social media feed of how other members of the community are showing their love for Drake.
In addition to the overall donor count challenge, colleges, departments, individuals, and groups will be issuing challenges for the chance to obtain matching funds.
“The giving challenges are what really makes this event vibrant and special,” said Widmer. “There’s a ticking clock giving you a really great reason to make your gift right now because right now your gift is doubled or even tripled. It’s a race against time to do something amazing for the departments and units you care about and Drake overall.”
All In takes place from noon to noon, April 4–5. Go to drake.edu/allin and the Drake social accounts to follow along and learn more. The Drake Alumni social accounts (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) will be the primary social feeds for All In, but expect to see All In everywhere Drake is.