On September 7, 2017, Equifax announced a data breach of up to 143 million customer records, including credit card numbers and personally identifiable information (PII). Equifax has setup a website to assist individuals in determining whether or not the information was impacted by this breach, located at https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com.
In addition, experts in the information security field are chiming in on the extent of the breach and what people may expect. One of these experts, Brian Krebs, posted a very good blog about this incident, located at https://krebsonsecurity.com/2017/09/the-equifax-breach-what-you-should-know/.
This unfortunate occurrence serves as a reminder to stay diligent in the digital age and keep a watchful eye on our personal and financial information.
—Peter Lundstedt, Director, Information Security & Compliance, ITS