A blogger outlines motivational speaker Daniel Pink's visit to Drake University on Dec. 1. Pink, a New York Times bestselling author, spoke to students in a free private gathering before speaking again at a public, paid lecture.
1835 search results for: alumni
Alumni launching new website
A new website is making it easier for Drake graduates to connect to the University and each other.
Wanted: Nominations for Drake National Alumni Awards
The Drake University National Alumni Association Board is seeking nominations for the annual Drake University National Alumni Awards, which will be announced at a reception on Thursday, April 28, 2011.
Friday, Jan. 14, 2011, 6:30 p.m. — distinctlyDrake Des Moines — Temple for Performing Arts — Des Moines “¨”¨ Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011 — Let’s DU Lunch — Des Moines “¨ Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011 — National Game Watch Party “¨Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011 — distinctlyDrake Naples Moraya Bay — Naples, Fla. “¨”¨ Wednesday, March...
Drake Law alumni named Iowa Supreme Court chief justice, district judge
Mark Cady, who earned his undergraduate and law degrees from Drake University, recently was elected chief justice of the Iowa Supreme Court. He will take office on Jan. 1, 2011.
Drake student/alumni bloggers
Get to know some Drake students and alumni through their personal and professional blogs: They used to call me Pointdexter – David Mossner Get Your Head Out of Your Apps – Shawnna Stiver The Geeks Were Right – Lindsay Scarpello Autumn Rupkey Kate Foley All The Sun That Shines – Skylar Bergl Force in Focus...
Alumni respond to students’ request for historic Drake photos
More photos are needed for the first-year seminar course "Drakepedia "“ Building a Living Archive."
Drake alumni films “Something Blue” and “The Nines” playing tonight
Drake alum Sean Gannon's film "Something Blue" is playing at Fleur Cinema at 9 p.m. and Drake alum John August's film "The Nines" will be showing in Olmsted Center at 7 p.m. tonight.
Sunday, Nov. 14, 6 p.m. — Student Alumni Association Dinner Join current Drake students and fellow Des Moines area alumni for an evening of networking over dinner. Meet some of the best and brightest future alumni. Visit alumni.drake.edu/saadinner to register. $10 for alumni; sponsor a student for $10. Wednesday, Dec. 1, 6 p.m. ““ Drake...
Connect 2010 brings alumni and students together for networking
Students from the College of Business and Public Administration recently met with alumni of all ages and experiences at "Connect 2010: Alumni-Student Networking" events held in Chicago, Kansas City and Minneapolis.