From Times Delphic writer Emily Krstulic Two middle-aged men sit at a round table among rows of low bookshelves. One man, with graying hair and a faded John Deere hat, slowly reads a list of sentences from a spiral notebook, stuttering over the word “splattered.” His tutor, a younger man in a blue polo, wears...
Category: School of Education
Drake Head Start Activities Showcased at Kidfest
Drake University Head Start participated again this year in Kidsfest at the Iowa State Fairgrounds from March 5th through the 7th. The booth at the event showcased some of the types of activities that would occur in a Head Start classroom. This year’s event was as successful as previous years as over 70 families indicated...
SOE Students Appreciate Valuable Classroom Experiences
The goal of the practicum experience is to provide Drake students with a first-hand look at education today.
ALOP Students Assist with Forever Books for Kids Project
Students in Adjunct Professor and Juvenile Court Judge Celeste Bremer's ALOP class helped with the program which donates books for children visiting prisoners in the county jail.
Head Start Staff Attend SPARC Training
Amy Hanson, Grace Higdon and Sue Miller, and Georgia Sheriff of Drake University Head Start, along with Anne Murr from the Drake Adult Literacy Center, attended the SPARC Literacy Training in Lisle, Illinois from March 1st through March 4th. This is the third module of this training, which focuses on strengthening literacy among Head Start...
SOE Class of 2010 By the Numbers
The School of Ed has 53 students who are finishing their student teaching and will graduate in May or August. 14 MAT’s – Graduate Secondary 5 MST’s – Graduate Elementary 16 Undergraduate Secondary 15 Undergraduate Elementary 3 Music Education