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Category: School of Education


Extension Education Offers Teachers Opportunities

Drake University School of Education offers classroom teachers many opportunties to expand their skills while earning Drake graduate credit. The Extension Education staff submitted the following explanation of their program and its benefits for teachers. Why do we have Extension Education? Our goal is to meet the current and future professional development needs of educators...


Budget Shortages Give Superintendent New Role

There was a time long ago when school administrators spent their time on education. They set curriculum, reviewed textbooks, evaluated teachers and explored ways to inspire students. Nowadays, administrators spend their time fretting over balance sheets. The state is short on money, so schools are short on money. This caused Rick Rubino to open his...


Anne Murr: A Literacy Superwoman

From Times Delphic writer Emily Krstulic Two middle-aged men sit at a round table among rows of low bookshelves. One man, with graying hair and a faded John Deere hat, slowly reads a list of sentences from a spiral notebook, stuttering over the word “splattered.” His tutor, a younger man in a blue polo, wears...