Dr. Shelley Fairbairn, Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning, publishes a book on differentiating for ELL classrooms.
Category: School of Education
Drake University Head Start receives $3,000 dental grant
Drake University Head Start receives a $3,000 dental grant from Delta Dental.
The School of Education suffers the loss of a colleague
SOE faculty and staff mourn the passing of a former colleague.
The School of Education Gifted and Talented program effectively fulfills the needs of busy students.
Drake Students Now Able To Access Online Payment Plan
Information on how Drake students can access alternative tuition payment solutions online.
Free children’s books at Drake Farmers’ Market
Students from the Drake University School of Education will be handing out free books to school aged children that attend the Drake Farmers Market on Wednesday, July 21.
New Extension Education Course
TRACK COACHING 401 is a new course developed by the Extension Education Department in the School of Education
School of Education adding two new staff positions.
Data Manager and Field Coordinator staff positions coming soon to the School of Education
Reading: A Summer-Time Favorite
Spend some of your time this summer with a good book. There are numerous resources in the Des Moines Metro area to assist you in finding new titles to read or connecting you with others who also enjoy reading. Check your local library to find resources ranging from summer reading programs for children and teens,...
Opportunties Abound for Teachers in Eastern Iowa
A note from Drake's Eastern Iowa AEA Consultant