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Category: ITS News & Announcements


Outage of Off-campus Authentication Services

At 2:30 p.m., ITS was made aware of off-campus authentication services becoming unavailable. This is affecting off-campus access to email and calendaring (Office 365), Admissions data collection services (Slate), ticketing and service requests (TeamDynamix), Math placement exams (Aleks), and course evaluations (CampusLabs). ITS is diligently working towards a resolution. We will provide updates and will let you...


Outage of Password Manager and select websites

At 8:30 a.m., ITS was made aware of problems validating security questions through SMS (TXT messages) in our Password Manager. We have identified a resolution and are working on implementation. In the process the Password Manager and other select websites will be temporarily unavailable. These sites include faculty.cbpa.drake.edu, cphs-web.drake.edu, informatics.drake.edu, live.drake.edu, and off-campus document access through documents.drake.edu. ITS...


What’s Your Personal Backup Plan?

Mobile phones, tablets, and laptops continue to provide us with the opportunity to work “on the go,” but this added convenience can also mean greater risk. These personal devices are making it easier to store and access both personal and University information, but they are also easy to steal or misplace. Do you know what...


IT Service Portal Search Issue Resolved

The search function in the IT service portal is once again functioning as expected. We appreciate your patience while we worked with our vendor to resolve this issue. If you continue to experience issues, please contact the Support Center at 515-271-3001 or visit service.drake.edu/its to report your issue.  


IT Service Portal Search Issue

ITS has been made aware of an issue with the search function in the IT service portal. Our vendor recently made an update and as a result, the search function only works for knowledge base articles and not for services. ITS is diligently working with our vendor to find a resolution. In the meantime, the...


Information on the Latest Ransomware Outbreak: Petya

This week, a new outbreak of ransomware called Petya/NotPetya was released, causing chaos and infecting computer systems worldwide. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on a computer and holds information hostage in an attempt to extort payment. It typically relies on an individual to open an email with a malicious attachment or...