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Wanted: Mentors to join Career bluePrint

Drake's new Career bluePrint lets you mentor Drake students in their career journeys and also advance your own career. The "Be A Mentor" program connects alumni with Drake students with activities including e-mail networking, mock interviews, job shadowing and resume critiquing.


New degree program starts next fall

Drake's College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences recently announced the launch of a new degree program that will allow students to earn a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences. Starting next fall, incoming students can opt to enroll in the new four-year degree program.


Smith leads Office of Alumni and Development

John P. Smith, AS'92, GR'00, has been named the vice president of alumni and development at Drake University. Smith began his Drake career in the admissions office in 1992 and climbed the ranks to the positions of associate director of alumni programs, gift planning officer and major gift officer.


From the editor

Season’s greetings from Drake! Chances are good your head is swimming with visions of festive red and green, but we hope you’ll take a break from the holiday crunch to work a little blue into your day — Drake blue, that is. Because this holiday season, we count devoted alumni like you among our most...