Over the past several months Goldford has been the go-to source for caucus analysis, appearing in national news outlets such as The Washington Post, USA Today and The New York Times. On Friday, Goldford will present “An Old Brew in a New Cup: Tea Party Constitutionalism and the Anti-Federalist Impulse.”
The lecture, which will start at 3:30 p.m., is part of the Humanities Center Colloquium Series that features Drake’s accomplished professors. Each event in the series is free and open to the public, and will take place at 3:30 p.m. on Fridays in the Honors Lounge of Drake’s Medbury Hall.
The next presentation is scheduled for Feb. 24, when Law Professor Miguel Schor discusses Argentinian Constitutional Law. On March 9, Jennifer Harvey, associate professor of religion, will lecture about race and feminist ethics.
The series wraps up in April with Nancy Berns’ discussion of grief and joy and a lecture from Debra DeLaet, professor of politics, on AIDS and global policy.
Berns, an associate professor of sociology, recently wrote “Closure: The Rush to End Grief and What it Costs Us.” In the book, Berns argues that the search for closure can cause more pain for those experiencing grief. Berns will expand upon these thoughts in her presentation, “Defending Grief, Protecting Joy.”
Medbury Hall is located near 25th and Forest Ave on Drake’s campus. For more information about the series or speakers, please contact Tim Knepper at tim.knepper@drake.edu or 515-271-2167.