During his 1L summer, Drake Law student Samuel Berbano took his newly learned legal skills to Madrid, Spain. While in Spain, Berbano polished his Spanish and studied European Union business law at Universidad Pontifica Comillas, Spain’s highest-ranked private law school.
The courses included European Business & Commercial Law, European Labor & Employment Law, and European Human Rights Law.
To enhance the learning experience, numerous Universidad Pontifica Comillas students who were fluent in both Spanish and English participated in the classes. His interactions both inside and out of the classroom allowed Berbano to utilize and enhance his Spanish speaking skills.
Berbano benefited from his legal preparation as a 1L at Drake Law School stating, “The education that I received at Drake prepared me to think on-the-spot, analyzing different legal doctrines and distinguishing them from their American equivalents.”
In addition, Berbano experienced the city of Madrid touring Spanish legal, business, and political institution including the Constitutional Court, parliament, the stock exchange, and global law firms.