In a time of global crisis, we all have come to rely on journalists. To dig for the information that will help us make decisions on how to stay safe. To question authority to ensure that the truth is exposed. And to verify any and all facts that are used to shape policy and make decisions. When journalism comes under attack from any front, we all should take notice.
The Drake University School of Journalism and Mass Communication supports the efforts of journalists, including student journalists, to seek the truth. We support open and transparent communication that can help members of our Drake community make decisions about their own health. We support the First Amendment rights of a free and independent press. And we support The Times-Delphic, Drake’s award-winning independent student newspaper, in its quest to document this historic moment and its impact on our campus.
Drake University strives to provide an exceptional learning environment that prepares students for meaningful personal lives, professional accomplishments, and responsible global citizenship. We believe wholeheartedly in that mission, and we stand united in our hope that the community can live these values by engaging in respectful, if sometimes uncomfortable, conversation as we strive to navigate these anxious times.
We believe the issues facing our industry deserve additional dialogue and conversation. In the coming days, the Drake SJMC will convene a group of journalists and communication professionals for a discussion on the role of media in a global pandemic, and we invite members of the Drake community and the community at large to engage with us in this dialogue.