Home School of Education Doctoral Student Receives Faculty Excellence Award

Doctoral Student Receives Faculty Excellence Award

Susie Lubbers, doctoral student in the School of Education at Drake University, was awarded the Sharon Walker Faculty Excellence Award at Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa at the Excellence Award Appreciation Dinner in November, 2015.  The award is based on teaching excellence, effective advising, scholarship, and service to Morningside College and carries a $10,000 stipend as well as $2000 in professional development funds.

Any faculty member from Morningside College is eligible to apply for the award and must compile an extensive portfolio with detailed information on each of the criteria above for appraisal by outside evaluators hired by the college. As a finalist for the award, Lubbers was interviewed by evaluators who also observed her teaching methods in class.

Lubbers is in her tenth year as a faculty member in the education department at Morningside College. She highlighted her Drake doctoral research on the “Training of Instructional Coaches at the Secondary Level” from Dr. Sally Beisser’s DOC 396 Advanced Qualitative Research course in her portfolio in support of her scholarly activity for the award.