Parents and Family Weekend is an annual opportunity to showcase Drake to family and friends. Students can connect with family members, introduce them to new friends and show what Drake University has to offer. Families can experience everything from athletics to improv, cookouts to live music.
This year, as part of the festivities, Kate Evans of Drake’s Professional and Career Development Services (PCDS), gave a presentation to parents regarding the services that PCDS provides students. She was joined by Drew Foster, BSE ’14, who graduated with a degree from the School of Education. Drew spoke about his experience at Drake, including the inspiration and advice he received from his instructors and the guidance he obtained from PCDS. Jointly, these services helped him secure employment with Des Moines Public Schools. Drew is currently a K-2 Special Education Teacher at King Elementary School, which is located in one of Iowa’s most impoverished neighborhoods. Drew enjoys being a positive male role model for these students, many of whom do not have a male presence at home. Drew’s story was inspirational, and the parents really enjoyed hearing about his journey towards accomplishing his career goal.