William Garriott, assistant professor of law, politics, and society at Drake University, has been named co-editor of Political and Legal Anthropology Review (PoLAR).
Political and Legal Anthropology Review is the premiere journal publishing work in the subfield of political and legal anthropology. Articles explore such issues as nationalism, citizenship, political and legal processes, the state, civil society, colonialism, postcolonial public spheres, multiculturalism, and media politics.
Garriott and his co-editor, Heath Cabot, of the College of the Atlantic, will take over at a critical moment in the development of the journal. In addition to performing the standard work of journal editorship (reading submissions, managing reviews, compiling issues, and corresponding with authors), Garriott and Cabot will oversee the journal’s ongoing transition from paper-based to digital primary publishing.
Garriott will begin in May and serve a three-year term as co-editor.