May 26, 2010
CONTACT: Tory Olson, 515-271-1834, tory.olson@drake.edu
Kathryn McDonald, a student in Drake’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, was recently awarded a 2010 Pharmacy Specialty Practice Groups Scholarship from the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE). The scholarship will provide McDonald with the opportunity to attend the 37th Annual AADE conference, which will be held in San Antonio this August.
McDonald of Littleton, Colo., who is in her fourth year of the Professional Pharmacy Program, will receive $1,000 toward travel, food and hotel expenses.
“Ever since I learned about the conference I wanted to go, and receiving the scholarship makes that possible,” said McDonald, who is also pursuing a diabetes concentration.
“As a future pharmacist, it is my job to continually pursue further education for the benefit of my patients. I also have a strong desire to see what innovative diabetes care methods other professionals in the community have implemented. I feel so honored to have received this award!”
Founded in 1973, the AADE is a multidisciplinary membership organization comprised of healthcare professionals specializing in the instruction of diabetes and diabetes management. The organization represents and supports educators by providing them with resources related to current research, methods and trends in the field of diabetes care and a network of healthcare professionals. http://www.diabeteseducator.org/
“This reflects on all of Katie’s efforts, focus and dedication to diabetes care,” said June Felice Johnson, Professor of pharmacy practice and Department Chair of Clinical Sciences at Drake. “It affords the College national recognition for our diabetes concentration program and the professional development of our students as they prepare to offer excellent diabetes patient care.”
Drake’s diabetes concentration, unique among Colleges of Pharmacy, provides pharmacy students with the preparation to become competent providers of diabetes patient care. The concentration requires both didactic and experiential learning components. Fundamental concepts of the concentration include an enhanced understanding of the following:
• Pathophysiology of and endocrinologic basis for diabetes
• Social milieu for diabetes
• Impact of diabetes on minority populations.
• Psychosocial issues and the impact on diabetes management
• Therapeutics of managing diabetes
• Developing/marketing diabetes care services
“The diabetes concentration at Drake is an exceptional program that is deserving of the highest recognition,” McDonald said. “It has taught me the most up-to-date diabetes methods on how to care for my future patients. With these tools, I feel confident going forward onto rotations.”