CONTACT: Matthew Russell, 515-271-4956, matthew.russell@drake.edu;
Tory Olson, 515-271-1834, tory.olson@drake.edu
Drake University’s Buy Fresh Buy Local will co-sponsor a lunch in the midst of the local food network it aims to support at the Downtown Farmers’ Market on Saturday, July 11.
Buy Fresh Buy Local is partnering with Kitchen Collage, which will celebrate its 10th anniversary, to present “Cooking Out of the Box.” From 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., chefs will prepare lunch with Kitchen Collage’s latest kitchenware and fresh produce.
Drake, the Downtown Farmers’ Market, Court Avenue Brew Pub and Jethro’s BBQ are teaming together to raise money for the Food Bank of Iowa.
Tickets are $10. For more information or to purchase tickets for this event, visit buyfreshdrake.org.
Join the campaign
BFBL is committed to growing the local food movement. More than 1,500 consumers have taken the pledge to buy fresh, local food every week throughout the growing season. Consumers can take the pledge online today at https://www.law.drake.edu/centers/agLaw/pledge.aspx.
“This is a great opportunity to stay connected, especially if you support local foods,” Russell said. “Taking the pledge is beneficial for both the consumers and local farmers.”
More about Buy Fresh Buy Local
The Drake University Agricultural Law Center’s Buy Fresh Buy Local food marketing campaign, which began in 2004, is building a network of local farms, restaurants, food retailers and processors to expand the production and consumption of more locally grown foods in the seven-county region surrounding Des Moines — Polk, Boone, Dallas, Jasper, Madison, Marion, and Warren counties. The campaign also includes Iowa farms from more distant counties that sell their food in the Greater Des Moines market.
For more information about BFBL, contact Matt Russell at 515-271-4956 or matthew.russell@drake.edu.