![]() Stop by the Drake tent for a disposable camera and snap souvenir photos of family, friends in “virtual” Drake scenes. |
MEDIA CONTACT: Lisa Lacher, 515-271-3119, lisa.lacher@drake.edu
Drake Day at the Iowa State Fair will showcase many ways to “Picture Yourself at Drake” on Saturday, Aug. 9. The free festivities will take place from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Drake University tent on Rock Island Avenue just east of the Bill Riley Stage.
The Drake tent will feature life-size photo cutouts representing different aspects of Drake life as well as a 25-foot-tall Spike the Bulldog. Visitors will be able to put their faces into several “virtual” Drake scenes and snap souvenir photos. Drake-themed disposable cameras will be handed out, but quantities are limited.
University President David Maxwell will greet visitors at the Drake tent from 10 to 11 a.m. Then he will move to the Iowa Pork tent, where he will serve as an honorary chef for two hours. The Iowa Pork tent is located two doors east of Ye Old Mill on Grand Avenue.
Drake Relays Director Brian Brown will be at the Drake tent from 9 a.m. to noon, promoting the 100th birthday of the Relays (April 23-25, 2009). Plus, Drake student-athletes and coaches will visit the tent at various times to sign free, limited-edition sports posters. The following teams are scheduled:
- Volleyball — 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
- Men’s Basketball — 12:45 to 2:15 p.m.
- Women’s Soccer — 3:45 to 5:15 p.m.
Also at the tent, Drake pharmacy students will conduct heartburn screenings for fairgoers. In true fair fashion, the screenings will include free samples of Prilosec on a stick for those suffering from heartburn after indulging in the fair’s vast array of fried foods.
In addition to Drake Day on Aug. 9, the University will have a display in the William C. Knapp Varied Industries Building throughout the fair, which runs from Aug. 7-17.
For more information about Drake Day at the Iowa State Fair, contact Michelle Thilges or Emilee Richardson at 515-271-3163 or mcstaff@drake.edu.