Grant Wood AEA, 4:30 and 6 pm
Category: School of Education
Adult Literacy Center Bookfair
Help support the Literacy Center during the bookfair 3-9 pm at Barnes & Noble, 4550 University Ave, in West Des Moines.
Wildermuth Joins Faculty in ALOP Program
The SOE is proud to welcome Dr. Wildermuth to Drake and the Adult Learning and Professional Development program.
Curriculum, Leadership & Consulting Course to be Offered in Bettendorf
An exciting opportunity for educators in AEA 9! A new course will be offered in Bettendorf this Spring!
Adult Literacy Center Tutoring Training
Become a tutor for the Drake University Adult Literacy Center!
Drake Head Start’s Middleton Honored with Spotlight Award
Mary Middleton was recently honored with the Drake University All Staff Council SPOTlight award for her outstanding work as accounting and human resources manager for Drake's Head Start program.
information Session: Masters for School Administration Held in Bettendorf
at Mississippi Bend AEA, 5 & 7 pm
SOE Hosts Conference Featuring Speaker on Student Assessment
Educator and author Jan Chappuis will present "Unlocking Seven Strategies of Formative Assessment"
Drake Head Start to Cohost Nationally Recognized Speaker on Parenting
Dr. Meg Meeker will present "Strong Parents Strong Kids" Oct. 1, 7-8:30 at North High School. On Oct. 2, 8-noon at Mercy Medical Center, Dr. Meeker will be joined by Joseph T. Jones Jr from Pres. Obama's Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Families Taskforce.